After 10=Million non-citizens allowed entry
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2023-12-23 16:40:11 UTC
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.

Who is really being disenfranchised?


2023-12-23 18:04:20 UTC
Post by ScottW
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.
That can't be possible. Also, your subject line has nothing to do with
your subject.
Post by ScottW
Who is really being disenfranchised?
A million Democrats in Florida.
Post by ScottW
If the affidavit law is set aside, same-day registration will require ID
or other documentation.


"The New Hampshire Secretary of State's office says that, to date, no
voters have used an affidavit ballot in either municipal or special


"To register to vote, you need to fill out a Voter Registration Form and
provide proof of your citizenship, age, primary residence address
(domicile), and identity in paper or electronic form."
2023-12-24 16:57:31 UTC
Post by mINE109
Post by ScottW
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.
That can't be possible.
President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has joined a lawsuit seeking to halt a law in a battleground state that could disqualify thousands of ballots in 2024.

Politico reported Friday that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is challenging a law New Hampshire's Republican-controlled legislature passed last year that requires voters who registered to vote on Election Day (which requires the signing of an affidavit attesting that they are a resident of New Hampshire) to produce a photo ID within seven days of registration, or else their votes would be tossed out. Senate Bill 418 stipulates that in addition to rejecting ballots, those voters' names would be referred to the New Hampshire Attorney General's office for investigation.

Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.

2023-12-24 20:30:47 UTC
Post by ScottW
Post by mINE109
Post by ScottW
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.
That can't be possible.
President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has joined a lawsuit
seeking to halt a law in a battleground state that could disqualify
thousands of ballots in 2024.
Unclear. How would halting the law disqualify thousands of ballots?
Post by ScottW
Politico reported Friday that the Democratic National Committee (DNC)
is challenging a law New Hampshire's Republican-controlled
legislature passed last year that requires voters who registered to
vote on Election Day (which requires the signing of an affidavit
attesting that they are a resident of New Hampshire) to produce a
photo ID within seven days of registration, or else their votes would
be tossed out. Senate Bill 418 stipulates that in addition to
rejecting ballots, those voters' names would be referred to the New
Hampshire Attorney General's office for investigation.
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.
Doesn't follow. If the law is overturned, registration would require id.
Biden presumably is content with registration including same-day
registration requiring id in every other state. Referring would-be
voters for criminal investigations is objectionable on its face.

Politico is doing a bad job explaining the facts if this is your
conclusion. It's the Republican-passed law that creates a framework for
no-id voting registration, not Biden's opposition to it.

Here's the actual lawsuit:


You might have a different opinion about whether this violates equal
protection, ballot secrecy, or is a burden on voting or otherwise
suppressive, but the seven-day time frame followed by verification runs
afoul of the New Hampshire state constitution requirement vote totals be
reported within five days.
2023-12-25 07:15:15 UTC
Post by mINE109
Post by ScottW
Post by mINE109
Post by ScottW
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.
That can't be possible.
President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has joined a lawsuit
seeking to halt a law in a battleground state that could disqualify
thousands of ballots in 2024.
Unclear. How would halting the law disqualify thousands of ballots?
Post by ScottW
Politico reported Friday that the Democratic National Committee (DNC)
is challenging a law New Hampshire's Republican-controlled
legislature passed last year that requires voters who registered to
vote on Election Day (which requires the signing of an affidavit
attesting that they are a resident of New Hampshire) to produce a
photo ID within seven days of registration, or else their votes would
be tossed out. Senate Bill 418 stipulates that in addition to
rejecting ballots, those voters' names would be referred to the New
Hampshire Attorney General's office for investigation.
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.
Doesn't follow.
Join the festivus crowd of blithering idiots.

You're the reason the founders felt vetting of voters with requirements like
owning property was necessary.

2023-12-25 17:50:38 UTC
Post by ScottW
Post by mINE109
Post by ScottW
Post by mINE109
Post by ScottW
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.
That can't be possible.
President Joe Biden's reelection campaign has joined a lawsuit
seeking to halt a law in a battleground state that could disqualify
thousands of ballots in 2024.
Unclear. How would halting the law disqualify thousands of ballots?
Post by ScottW
Politico reported Friday that the Democratic National Committee (DNC)
is challenging a law New Hampshire's Republican-controlled
legislature passed last year that requires voters who registered to
vote on Election Day (which requires the signing of an affidavit
attesting that they are a resident of New Hampshire) to produce a
photo ID within seven days of registration, or else their votes would
be tossed out. Senate Bill 418 stipulates that in addition to
rejecting ballots, those voters' names would be referred to the New
Hampshire Attorney General's office for investigation.
Joe wants election day voter registration with no ID.
Doesn't follow.
Join the festivus crowd of blithering idiots.
You're the reason the founders felt vetting of voters with requirements like
owning property was necessary.
Just another jump to conclusions on your part. Merry Christmas!
